Hi, we are building a new DMA cluster (10.3.x) consisting of 6 FO pairs for a user. They have an existing DMA cluster (9.6) consisting of the same number of FO pairs. We are not doing a db migration. User however would like each view on 9.6 to be re-created on 10.3.x.
We have tried to simply port the View.xml file as is from 9.6 to 10.3.x and it seems to work. The 10.3.x DMS appears to be able to load the views.
- The view.xml file do not have any view properties.
- We are planning to remove references to elements (e.g.: <Id dma="42009">13</Id>). As the elements added to each view may no longer have the same IDs.
Before going ahead with the approach, we would like to double-check that it is acceptable to simply port the View.xml file from 9.6 to 10.3.x (with references to elements removed) and that this approach will not lead to any issues.

Thanks for sharing your experiences here Jeeva.
Hi Bing,
I believe that option should work fine but if you want something that involves slightly less manual work and could be reused, you could consider creating a script that exports the view info to a text file and then imports it on the other system.
Depending on what your needs are you can just feed the old Views.xml to the import script or you could use IDms.GetViews to get all the information you want and export it accordingly and then use the IDms.CreateView to recreate it on the new system.
Appreciate the advice Joao. Most important is understanding whether this is something that we should/should not be doing.
Hi Bing, I have done this method a few times and haven’t faced any issues so far. So I guess this method is okay.