I'm wondering what the purpose is of the tag DataMinerGuid in DataMiner.xml, doesn't seem to be mentioned in the docs of DataMiner.xml
Tim Vandenbruwaene [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 31st October 2023
Hi Tim,
This is indeed not documented and should be ignored for now. That GUID has been added to potentially uniquely identify a DMA, a bit like a DMA ID, but it is currently not used yet, so it could potentially be changed or removed again as well. In other words, for now, just ignore it.
Bert Vandenberghe [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Posted new comment 2nd November 2023

Apparently, there are already some parts of DataMiner using this DMA GUID, like swarming for instance. So, this won’t be removed anymore…