Hello, DAZN have the 'GV Orbit' Protocol 'Serial driver for the Grass Valley Convergent' 'DMS-DRV-6483' V1.0.1.6
Has anyone else experienced similar issues? This GV driver appears to communicate, however there are certain status' not populating in Dataminer, for example the source and destinations names pull-through under the 'Device Crosspoints', however nothing shows on Dataminer under 'Device Matrix'. Are there alternate versions of this Driver available other than V1.0.1.6?
Could you check if on the general page the button display device matrix UI is enabled?

Hi, some additional information: I can confirm that all the following ports are open between DAZN’s Dataminer DMS and the GV Orbit systems to be monitored;
Ports: 161(UDP), 162(UDP), 8004(Dataminer), 80(TCP), 443(TCP), 23(TCP)
Are there other versions of the ‘Grass Valley Convergent’ protocol available, as well as V1.0.1.6?

From the driver help the default port seems to be 9193. So this port should also b e open on the GV orbit system. It might be that a different port is configured on the orbit system (e.g. 9194) . Best to check this with who did the setup for the orbit system. is the latest version of the protocol and is the one that needs to be used

Hi Tim – thank you, I will follow this up
Hi Tim, long time no-speak, hope all is well.
I can confirm that the ‘Display Device Matrix UI’ is enabled