I'm trying to do a HTTP PUT request with a JSON body (that works and returns a 200 in Postman) in a protocol I'm building, but in dataminer the request instead returns the following error:
-> 11:25:59 - Get for PutConfigStatusCodeResponse () had error : Error : 12032. [ERROR_WINHTTP_RESEND_REQUEST] -> 11:25:59 - Continuing get for PutConfigStatusCodeResponse ()
-> 11:25:59 - Get for PutConfigResponse () had error : Error : 12032. [ERROR_WINHTTP_RESEND_REQUEST] -> 11:25:59 - Continuing get for PutConfigResponse ()
The session tag:
<Session id="3" name="PUT Config">
<Connection id="1" name="PUT Config">
<Request verb="PUT" url="-redacted-url-">
<Header key="Content-Type">application/json; charset=UTF-8</Header>
<Header key="Accept">application/json</Header>
<Data pid="220"></Data>
<Response statusCode="221">
<Content pid="222"></Content>
What am I doing wrong?

@Jens: I forgot the authentication and without authentication the endpoint redirects (302) instead of returning 403 or 401, thank you!
To elaborate, the WinHTTP documentation mentioned the following for the error ERROR_WINHTTP_RESEND_REQUEST (from the streamviewer logging):
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winhttp/nf-winhttp-winhttpsendrequest
Is there a redirect active on the URL? Is there authentication active on the URL?