I'm writing an user interactive automation script to set two settings on equipment an element is connected to. Usually I would just set the two parameters, but the protocol currently has a bug where other values are set incorrectly, and the values can be sent in one API message body, instead of two separate messages, where the the first value will sometimes get overwritten by the second set, as the read value of the first hasn't updated yet.
The QAction in the protocol sets two parameters for a session, one for the body and one for the URI, then does a CheckTrigger to send the http PUT.
Following the same in my automation script I'll lock the element during the process (so nothing else updates the two common session parameters), set the two parameters, and then I want to fire off the same Trigger, save modifying the protocol to add a dummy parameter with a separate Trigger to do the same thing; is there a was of doing this outside of an element?
Hi Philip, as far as I know there is no way to execute CheckTrigger from outside the protocol itself. As a temporary solution, until a better fix is available, you could maybe add a dummy parameter to the protocol, that triggers the HTTP PUT.
Thanks Tom,
That’s what I’m currently doing, I was just hoping to avoid modifying the protocol, as it’s a Skyline supplied one.