Is there an easy way to get back the remarks against parameters in a profile instance in a profile load script?
Hi Philip,
From class SrmParameterConfiguration you have property ProfileParameterEntry that then has property Parameter which holds the Remarks.
var configurationInfo = LoadResourceConfigurationInfo(engine);
var nodeProfileConfiguration = LoadNodeProfileConfiguration(engine);
var helper = new ProfileParameterEntryHelper(engine, configurationInfo?.OrchestrationLogger);
var param = helper.GetNodeSrmParametersConfiguration(configurationInfo, nodeProfileConfiguration).First();
var remarks = param.ProfileParameterEntry.Parameter.Remarks;

Thanks Jorge,
I hadn’t noticed ProfileParameterEntry were the profile instance parameters, I’d found the FindAllParameters method in the ProfileInstance, which is the same thing.
I’m specifically after the remarks against the parameters in the instance which is ‘param.ProfileParameterEntry.Remarks’