What are the possible 'Operations' when defining a Generic Gateway profile instance for Process Automation?
Is a 'Contains' possible?
Jeroen Geldhof [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 27th February 2023
Hi Jeroen,
Currently, the operations that are supported are "equal" and "any".
The "any" means that the gateway key and value are ignored, only the incoming interface Id is verified.
The "equal", verifies the interface Id and also compares the gateway key and value.
Hope this helps,
Kind Regards
André Rodrigues [SLC] [DevOps Member] Posted new comment 27th February 2023

Yes, feel free to make a feature request so that we can evaluate it internally.
Thank you for the response André.
Are there any plans for extending it?
It could be very interesting to add a ‘contains’ to avoid having to repeat the same evaluation multiple times with ‘equals’.
I’ll probably make a feature request.