Hi All.
The problem with DCF connection in dashboards is probably because I cannot initiate connections in menu GENERAL PARAMETERS ( Framework Connectivity) for Element AppearTV X10 and BridgeTech VB 2220 as below
But in Element TMux Ateme I see these connection as below :
How can I takes these parameters from Menu GENERAL PARAMETERS --> Framework Connectivity correctly on DMA and next to dashboard for DCF connection.
Are these parameters initialized automatically by the driver or can I set them?
I see them not initialized for some elements
Is it a problem with the driver? something needs to be marked in driver or a bad driver for elements?
Big thanks for help.
Hi Joao.
I configured the connections manually as below.
External connection TMUX --> AppearTV FROm TMUX site:
External connection APPEARTV --> TMUX FROm APPEARTV site
It seems that everything is fine due to external connections..
I can't display garf connections between nodes, still
below are my settings for DCF connection
It seems OK but I can't see the graphical connection between the nodes
Where could the problem be?
Big thanks for help,

Big thanks for help.
At first glance, everything seems to be correct but maybe someone with more experience in the Node Edge Graph can provide input on this.