as the title says, i search for a possibility to set multiple http(s) connections on elements.
As a certificate & key is expiring on a device group, i wanted to upload the files via "dataminer multiple set" function. But the driver just allows to upload one file at once.
By uploading a new .crt or .key file the device reboots and deactivating https and enables http. so i need, as workaround, to set the port from 443 to 80. then upload the second file and finally to set the port to 443 again.
I didnt see the "ip port" field as option in multiple set. so is there a way to set the ip port on multiple elements at once?
BR Thomas
Hi Thomas,
Multiple Set is aimed at making parameter sets however the settings you want to modify are element port settings which I do not believe is possible.
If you have IDP you could modify your CI Type and use the Reapply CI Type to quickly spread the new port to all your elements of that specific CI Type.
If you currently do not have IDP, you can use the Importing and exporting elements feature. You would export to a CSV, edit and then import back and all your elements should now have the new port.
Also what i encountered is that the german umlauts äöü get changed to a “?” symbol when importing the csv back into the dataminer
Excel seems to alter the field. both values are separated by an Tabstopp.
Would be better to separate this values, it was quite complicated to edit.
But it worked nonetheless!

Hi Thomas
Apologies for not coming back to you sooner but I am glad you managed to get it to work in the end.
Regarding separating the values I am not sure if it is something easy to achieve without breaking compatibility with older versions of DataMiner but I will check internally on how we can make it more user-friendly.
Hi João,
the import/export should be a good solution, but i encountered a problem with it. The field Polling IP Port/GPIB SICL Interface Name holds the SNMP Port 161 & the http port 443. when i change the 443 to 80 and import the file, then the SNMP port is changed to 16180 and the http port is unchanged 433.
Which format is correct for this field to work probably?
Here one example row:
DataMiner ID Element ID Element Name Element Type Description Protocol Version Alarm Template Trending Template Element State (active or stop or inactive) Hidden (true or false) IP Address Subnet Mask Enable Telnet (0 or 1) Enable SNMP (0 or 1) Port Type (IP or Serial or None) Port Number/LAN Client Interface Name Polling IP Address/Device IP Address/Gateway IP Address Polling IP Port/GPIB SICL Interface Name Baudrate Parity Data Bits Stop Bits Flow Control Bus Address/Device Address Timeout Time (ms) Retries Element Timeout Time (ms) Slow Poll Base (time or number) Slow Poll (ms or timeouts) Ping Interval (ms) Get Community Set Community View IDs Local IP Port Readonly Replication Active ReplicationOption ReplicationRemoteElementID ReplicationLocation ReplicationUser ReplicationPassword ReplicationDomain KeepOnline ForceAgent ReplicationIsExternalDMP SNMPReadCommunity SNMPWriteCommunity CreateDVEs ReplicationMaxBuffer ReplicationMinBuffer ProtocolType CredentialGUID TLS AllowedIpAddresses ConnectTimeoutTime Adresse SQID String
101204 5349 Altenburg_Luckaer Str.117_SQ21617_KVARTA Monitoring Platform abg0-kvarta01 Kvarta DVB Stream Monitor Production KVARTA_TVDigital KVARTA active False 0 0 “ip ip” “0 0” “abg0-kvarta01.tv-platform.net abg0-kvarta01.tv-platform.net” “161 443” “0 0″ ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ByPassProxy” “1500 1500” “3 3” “30000 30000” “no ” “0 0” “30000 0” “public” “public” 20115, 20229 “0 0” False False 4294967295/4294967295 False False True “8 10″ ” ” “False False” ” ” “0 0” Zeitzer Str. 0 SQ21617 Altenburg_Zeitzer Str. 0_SQ21617