Dear team,
I created a param for a Poll button in this table, but the status is "not initialized".
The table gets populated with information, as you can see, but the button should not receive any information, so i am not sure why the status remains "not initialized". The logs point to no error.
I followed the steps as per this training: Can you give any hints as to what might cause this? Thanks!
Hi Roxana, did you set your button parameter of type WRITE? If it would still be set as Read, it would only show a value, not a button.
As correctly indicated by Ive, a button parameter also requires discreet values, such as example below.

Hi Roxana,
You are on the right track, the only thing you are missing is a discreets section below your type button tag in the measurement section.
Value get /Value
Display get /Display

I tried as you suggested, but no luck. The poll column appears empty, no buttons there to click on. And in the XML, i get an error that “Discreets has an invalid child element”

I was scoping it wrong. I saw the error and fixed it. Thanks for the pointers!!

Great! Feel free to mark this question as solved if it has been answered. Thanks!
hello, Leander! Thanks for reaching out!
I tried doing so, and now the poll button shows nothing. Not even “not initialized”. Haha!
The XML param is this:
Poll (EC2 Metric)
This is the button for polling.
next param
Am i on the right track here?