Hi. Does anyone know if it's possible to pass variables in to an automation script that's executed through a correlation rule?
For example...
I have a script that I can use to shut/open a network interface, and this script requires three variables; element name, interface, desired state (shut/open).
I have a correlation rule that may require a specific network interface to be bounced, and all the required information is contained within the correlated alarm.
Can I automatically extract the required information from the correlated alarm and pass it through to the automation script when it gets executed as part of the correlation rule actions?
I hope that makes sense. Thanks.
Not sure if this would help, it allows you to parse the correlation alarm info https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/DataMinerUserGuide/part_4/automation/How_do_I_parse_Correlation_Alarm_Info_data.htm#XREF_65796_30_6_5_How_do_I