I can't seem to find the answer to what should be a common thing.
I have a decimal number coming back representing 16 breakers
This number needs to be parsed to see which breakers are in warning
for example, 8192 indicates breaker 14 is above 70%
does anyone know how to do this in DIS?
Hi Richard,
I believe what you are looking for is the Group and Read Bit parameter types.
You can read more about it here Read bit
It is under the serial communication section but will also work for other scenarios
Joao, group was OK however not having success using the read bit. read bit does not seem valid under anything other then parameter. Would you have an example for this?

I am sorry to hear that it did not work for you.
Read bit is a type you can define on a parameter and I would start by checking the endianness of the group parameter as well as the RawType for all parameters as a different RawType influences how the data is stored and as consequence how the bits are read

I found an old snippet I used in the past that you can find here
It may not be fully correct regarding the topic but implementation wise is correct and should help you
This seems like exactly what I was looking for…Thanks for the quick response. I will chew on this for a while