I have an element that has been configured to CMDB system: SNOW Automatic with the purpose of generating a ticket whenever an alarm is triggered.
In Dataminer, I can see the alarm i being generated properly with the value and its unit (%).
The unit comes from the protocol. <Display><Units>
Parameter description: High error (Beam) on Beam 1
Value: 25.00%
However, in the ServiceNow ticket, the unit is not included.
Description: High Error (Beam) on Beam 1:25.00
Do you know how I can include the unit % in the ServiceNow ticket description?

Hi Marieke, this question no longer needed help anymore. We concluded that the percentage sign does not affect much to the output. Thanks.
As no more answer is needed for this question, I have added this pro forma answer so that we can mark the question as resolved.
What is the name of the protocol you are using for this element? This will help us narrow down the search for someone who can help you with this.