Hi Friends,
We´ve got an outside application that needs real time data from some trended parameters that are present in Dataminer.
As the API methods would put an unecessary load on the DMS cluster, and querying the Cassandra database is not recommended, we´ve started looking in the Opensearch cluster for the realtime data that´s indexed by the DMS. for that we presumed that the SLDMAINDEX-ANALYTiCS* indexes would be the way to go
The question is, on all those indexes, we only get the changepoints and some data of the trended parameters, but the timeframe and intervals are not coherent enough to feed the scripts to put out the data we want.
Could you share information on how is the realtime data offloaded to the indexes and where can we find the real time data set in TTL settings to be inserted on the Opensearch?
Did you consider enabling the offloading of trending data to disk or to some external DB so that your application could retrieve and process the data there? See Offloading data | DataMiner Docs.
With this option you'd be able to include in the trending template only the parameters needed by the app.

Hi Euler,
I might be wrong but I doubt the data we store in the indexing DB can be used to extract accurate trending data. By design, trending data is stored in Cassandra.
Anyway, maybe my colleagues can help providing more details, let's wait 😉
Thank you, very much Paulo.
Thats indeed an alternative, but for this case, it would be an extra step on the proccess. That would be my Plan B in case we cannot find the real time data in Opensearch.
Do you Know any other method involving the opensearch cluster indexes?