Hi Dojo,
I'm having trouble with a table. It's using subtable, but certain cells are not initialized:
I've seen for audio over duration it's every channel 1/2 row (so instances that are 1.x.x and 2.x.x) and for audio low duration it's every channel 1 row (so instances that are 1.x.x)
When I remove the subtable option and and try and do any of the polling methods (getnext, multiplegetnext, bulk, multiplegetbulk) the table won't poll and i get the following error in the streamveiwer:
Looking at wireshark capture, values for this column (audio over duration) look clean (read: not malformed), and mib browser is able to poll them fine:
So what could be causing this? What more troubleshooting could I do? Element log shows nothing of interest, but I checked the SLSNMPManager log, and am getting an error that seems to be unrelated (it's showing up in both subtable and no subtable versions of the driver), but I could be wrong:
This parameter, 12430, is not located anywhere in the protocol. So where could this error be coming from?
Thanks in advance.

This was indeed fixed with this, but unfortunately this error was unrelated to those streamviewer errors.
Hi Alex,
I'm guessing you already checked this but did you implement the index column twice? Please have a look at the note in the docs here: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/ConnectionsSnmpRetrievingTables.html#subtable
Kind regards,

Yup, I have another hidden column that I name “subtable” that comes directly after the index.
Regarding the SLSNMPManager error, I did had a similar error a while ago, where the mentioned ID was actually a group that was marked as ‘poll’ or ‘poll action’ but the paramater (a table) was changed to all ‘retrieved’ columns. Perhaps you can check if one of the polling groups point to a non SNMP parameter?