Hi I was trying to use Multi-threaded timer for AWS connection but creating HTP RequestHeaders was failing.
I think it might be because in RequestHeaders section we are using ";" as separates between headers. However, AWS authorization header contains ";" as part of the value. So Dataminer is considering the ";" in authorization as a separator.
Can you please check this? Also is it possible to change the RequestHeaders to addHeader instead which allows us to add header one by one. This will make it more readable as well.
";" and "|" are indeed used as separators between the different headers and their values, and cannot be used in the values. As far as I know they can also not be escaped. We will need to look into that.
Your suggestion to change this into multiple method calls, instead of one string field, would indeed improve this feature a lot.
In the meantime, as a workaround, I would propose to do the HTTP requests in C# code without going via the DataMiner API. For more information see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/network-programming/how-to-request-data-using-the-webrequest-class. The downside of this approach is that the communication will not be visible anymore in the stream viewer and that the element will not automatically go into timeout anymore when the device is not reachable.