is it possible to move an service definition between an staging and production environment
Emmanuel Dal [SLC] [DevOps Member] Answered question 5th October 2022
Hi Gerwin, yes this is possible, using the script described below. It assumes the functions part of the service definition already exist on the target DMA.
Script name: SRM_ServiceDefinitionExportImport
Script Input Arguments:
- Operation: EXPORT/IMPORT
- Working Folder: <input/output folder>
- Service Definition ID: <service definition guid>
- Open Cube with debug option
- Go to Services, selected the Service Definition and copy its guid (info displayed in debug mode)
- Launch SRM_ServiceDefinitionExportImport with relevant int arguments
- JSON file gets created in <Working Folder>\Export\
- Move the JSON file to <Working Folder>\Import\
- Launch SRM_ServiceDefinitionExportImport, providing the guid of the service definition to import ( must be the filename without the extension)
- Imported file moved to ‘Failed’ subfolder in case ‘Import’ process has failed
- Imported file moved to ‘Old’ subfolder in case ‘Import’ process has succeeded
Emmanuel Dal [SLC] [DevOps Member] Answered question 5th October 2022