I'm using an LCA timeline component which has its items grouped by a certain attribute, so that there is a vertical strip of groups on the left side of the timeline, like the one shown in the picture.
I would like to give the user ability to change the groups by drag-and-dropping the items vertically.
However, if I try to move items vertically, it doesn't work as it works when the items aren't grouped, and I can't set an action to trigger on this event. Is there any way to handle this vertical drag-and-drop in the UI currently?
Do you mean to change the order of the groups? This is not possible through drag-drop and is defined by the order the items are returned by GQI. Swapping an item from group through drag-and drop is possible in LCA though, by setting the On group change event of the timeline. This will enable drag/drop functionality between groups and it allows you to do something when the item is swapped. A common use case would be triggering a script that will actually do the change in the backend.