On a matrix integration we notice that the wrong configurations are done.
When displaying the value the write-matrix param generates when clicking a cross-point in a different param we notice that it contains an output value that does not exist in the Discreet list.
for example:
- "52,734,0;68,734,1" while the last defined output value is 512, or
- "75,690,0;71;690,1" while 306 is expected (output 50 corresponds with discreet value 306)
How is this value composed? could the labels.xml (or ports.xml) have an impact on this?
used dma version: DataMiner (
Write-matrix param:
<Param id="301">
<Type options="dimensions=256,256;columntypes=299:0-255">write</Type>
<LengthType>next param</LengthType>
Via a QAction we get the value from this param and set it in another displayed read-param:
string sMatrixWrite = Convert.ToString(protocol.GetParameter(Parameter.Write.matrix_301));
protocol.SetParameter(Parameter.setmatrix_1301, sMatrixWrite);
The Matrix read param:
<Type options="dimensions=256,256;columntypes=299:0-255">array</Type>
<LengthType>next param</LengthType>
<!-- Sequence for matrix options Number Inputs/Number Outputs/COMin/COMax/CIMin/CIMax-->
<Type link="labels.xml" options="matrix=256,256,0,1,0,255,evenSmallPages">matrix</Type>
<Display>Input 1</Display>
How does the read parameter definition look like?
More particular, how does the Param <Type options attribute looks like?
Also how does the Measurement <Type options attribute looks like?

More info: opening the labels.xml file showed that the outputs discreet values start at 641 so that file got corrupted. It is not clear how this is caused, but there is a suspicion that the discreet values (briefly) got modified in the driver causing the labels.xml to be overwritten with those values. The general advice is to create a new driver range with a new name for the linked xml file whenever the matrix size (or discreet items) change in the driver.
Laurens, I added it in the question (this comments box can’t handle the xml correctly)