Good Day
I want to ask is it possible to give an element a time period when it should mask it self an hour or two ahead before maintenance or tests
Hi Johan,
The most suitable option would be definitely to use an automation script and schedule it resorting to the Scheduler as Miguel previously said.
Another option, not sure if it aligns with your needs, would be to use the SRM solution to help you block the required resources during a specific period of time. This way, you know for sure that this resource won't be used for any other purpose.
Regardless, you can also resort to the Features Suggestions to give this idea (and explain the use case) so Skyline Software Team can take this into account for future releases.
As an example lets say tests will be done tonight at 10pm, can I give it a command at 2pm that it will mask itself at 5 minutes before 10 and unmask itself at half past 10?