Hi All,
We loaded a KML file in our map attach is the screen shot of the KML file.
Is it possible to use these coordinate in the KML file into a Clustered Markers so it doesn't all populate the map all at once. Similar to this?
I tried doing the same configuration for the file that contains the KML file but it still not working.
Is there a way to force the KML coordinates to make DataMiner think these are plots so that they can all join together in one marker instead of populating everything simultaneously such as shown in the picture.
You should be able to enable the clustered markers by enabling this into the DataMiner Maps configuration file. More information on clustered markers can be found on https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuide%2Fpart_4%2Fmaps%2FGrouping_markers_in_one_clustered_marker.htm

Hi Leander, indeed the markers are in the KML, and are not linked to Dataminer elements.

If the markers are only available in the referenced KML file, and not linked to any DataMiner object, I don’t believe any clustering can be made at this point.
It would be of interest to understand what these markers represent, and if they also correspond to any DataMiner objects. As that would allow you to view alarm coloring, navigations, etc… and also have the clustering.
Again, if the markers are only in the kml file, I don’t believe that our clustering setting will take it into account.
Reading the question once more closely, could you confirm that the markers are linked to DataMiner objects? Or are these only included as part of the KML file?