How can I stretch a table across columns in a Protocol Display Page?
Something like this drawing:
Thank you!

The Row1/2 Column1/2 are just for ilustrating how I perceive layout in a Protocol Page.
I was not aware that Visio can be used for designing Protocols UI. Is Visio the recommended way instead of Protocol Pages?

This is related to a Custom Protocol I’m developing.
Directly from the protocol, I do not believe it is possible to achieve what you mention.
In a given protocol display page you can either have 1 column layout or a 2 column layout (more is possible but we tend to stay away from that to not "cramp" too much information in a single page) so your "mixed" layout is not possible.
Saying this, and as you mentioned in your comment, for this kind of more complex layout you could indeed go for the approach of a Visio file to enhance your custom protocol.

Thank you for clarifying this, appreciate it!

And a big thank you for all the experts helping a beginner like me 🙂
Can you share the protocol name and/or protocol visio this pertains to? What purpose do the columns serve that are behind the 2 rows? Are you purely using the columns to organize the button locations or is there data that needs to be visible, etc?