I am attempting to make a LowCode App that is a penalty box for specific services alarms. The issue I am running into is, with an alarm table, you can add the services as a filter, but we have not found a way to allow the acknowledgement of the alarms. If we use a regular table, you can add a query filter for alarms but we have not found a way to only show the services alarms we want which would then allow us to use an automation script for acknowledgement. Any insight would be appreciated!
David - not sure if it will get you where you want to be, but just so you are aware, there are currently two methods to work with alarms. One is the dedicated Alarm Table widget, and the other one is to create a query (create a query, choose Get Alarms, use a Select to choose which information you want for the Alarms (e.g. element name, parameter name, ownership, service impact, etc.). This will generate a table for example (drag and drop your query on the canvas and use the table widget for graphical presentation), and with the queries (GQI) you can then do quite a bit of manipulations and all that. You can also do then a count for example of the nbr of records and choose to display that as a nbr (instead of a table with the alarm data records). Maybe this can help you achieve what you are after?

Indeed, I see where you are stuck. And if I get it right, what you want to achieve is that you have a feed with your services, one can select a service, you want to then show all the alarms affecting that service, and you want to have the option for people to then ACK one or more of those alarms in front of them. Correct?

Asked around a bit, and there will probably be a solution for this. Stay tuned, they will circle back on this.

Thank you Ben! I really appreciate your help. We will definitely check out Seba’s solution.
Hey Ben,
Thank you for your answer. This issue I am having using a table with a query is filtering for specific services. If I can figure out a solution to only filter for the specific services alarms we want, then I can use a table with an automation script to allow for the alarm acknowledgement.