I'm playing around with lowcode apps and DOM objects. I've set up 3 DOMs:
They all include the usage of the DomInstanceFieldDescriptor, which works brilliantly for selecting the correct information from one of the other Dom's.
However: in the form when editing i see the Instance name (for instance by the Jobs i've got Event contact, it will show the name of that person) However in the table that list the jobs i only see the guid.
Yes i can do left joins to add the data and then filter with select and tidy it up with table manipulation and an other select but as soon as i get more then 1 contact (for instance customer has 3 contacts that i need just need to get the name of) Is there another way of displaying the name of the instance instead of the guid (like in the dropdown choose box in the form?)
Hi Gerwin,
Indeed today the only way of changing the guid into a readable name in the table is by doing a left join.
In terms of handling multiple instances in a table (E.g. customer has 3 contacts), it is similar to handling instances of multiple sections where I refer to the reply of Sebastiaan (today this functionality is not possible but is actively worked on)

Hi Gerwin,
Could you maybe share your data model (form) of the customer object. I’m not entirely following what you mean by ” The contacts aren’t listed at the same contact but under different categories”
Kind Regards
I’ve got three fields:
Main contact
Financial contact
Al three refer to an instance in my contact DOM

My bad, misinterpreted your question, indeed you will have to do 3 different joins to resolve the guid into a readable name
The contacts aren;t listed as the same contact but under different categories. So i ‘ll doubt if the multiple instances will work here 🙂