On Empower 2024 we created some Low Code Apps
All the Apps have home/root page headers, like "Event Planning" / "MediaOps Live"
I created my own App based on a copy, but how can I create or change the header for example to be "My Company"
Thanks in advance 🙂

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Hi John
I had the same thing a while back and created a temporary script to do some basic low code app edits.
You can find the source code here:
GitHub - SkylineCommunications/Low-Code-App-Editor: An Interactive Automation script to import, export and do some general edits to the low code apps of a DataMiner system.
You could then use the script UI to edit those sections:
Be sure to manually change the WebApiLib reference as mentioned in the readme warning:
After the install you'll need to manually replace on of the references.
C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\WebApiLib.dll needs to be C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\API\bin\WebApiLib.dll
You can install the script through the catalog.
- Go to the catalog.
- Search for "Low Code App Editor".
- Click Deploy.
- Select the DMA you want to deploy to.
- Click Deploy.
- Open the Automation app on your DMA.
- Go to the Low Code App Editor script.
- Under Advanced > DLL references, replace C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\WebApiLib.dll with C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\API\bin\WebApiLib.dll.
You can do a manual install by downloading the .dmapp package file from the releases.
- Go to releases.
- Download the .dmapp package from the latest version.
- Install the package on your DMA.
- Open the Automation app on your DMA.
- Go to the Low Code App Editor script.
- Under Advanced > DLL references, replace C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\WebApiLib.dll with C:\Skyline DataMiner\Webpages\API\bin\WebApiLib.dll.

Just to be sure, will this also work on a DAAS system which I deployd on Empower 2024? I can imagine that this works on our porduction/staging DMA’s (VM’s)

Yes it will work on any system. The important thing to remember is to adjust that one reference to the WebApiLib.dll to the correct one.
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