I have a table shown on a panel (that I can show / hide) that contains some more details (change log) of a row in a table on a main page.
When selecting a row on the main table, the GQI query of the panel table using the feed of the main table will refresh when I re-open the panel, but not when the panel was already open.
I could add a trigger to refresh the content every 1 second, but this means the panel table will visibly jump back to the top row on every refresh when the user scrolled down.
Is there a means to force the content refresh when the selection in the main table has changed?
E.g. when having a form in a show/hide panel using the feed it does update automatically when the panel stays open.
Hi Mieke,
Changing the feed value by selecting another row should in fact update the query in the side panel. We can classify this as a software issue. You can keep track of our progress using DCP202910.