I'd like to create a low code app table (CGI Query) similar to what is shown in this question: https://community.dataminer.services/question/low-code-apps-acknowledge-alarms/
But with the added capability to filter the results by the service context of the alarm. I noticed that when creating a Query from alarms there is an available parameter named service_0 which i had assumed is the first service in the array of services related to the alarm.. but I don't see any data in this field when added to a table showing all current alarms.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
This is indeed not something that comes out of the box with GQI. However, you can use an Ad-hoc data source that makes use of GQIDMS. This combo allows you to literally retrieve any data from your DataMiner system in any format you want.
An example of this can be found on our github: SLC-GQIDS-ServiceAlarms