As a user, I would like that my element log off from the device that its connected when a process is done. It will be appreciated if this is something that can be implemented in the driver, to avoid use any automation scripts. The connection is stablished via SNMP, and it should be close in the same way.
Esteban Pardo [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 4th April 2023
I think I didn't explain properly.
We stablish a SSH session and then we access the CLI to pull some information.
The question should be how to close the SSH session.
Thank you.
Esteban Pardo [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Posted new comment 9th March 2023

Sometimes it seems that we are not fully logged, so we need something that validates our successful login to start processing the responses correctly with the valid commands. And maybe after that close the connection.