I am looking forward to seeing what the following action would be triggered when I use Load Crosspoint on matrix component, because when I checked out the proceeding action there is no trigger into OnCrossPointsSetFromUI is executed in the protocol. What should I implement to make the Load Crosspoint function works under the matrix protocol integration, Which method or QAction needed for this sort?

As this question has now been open for a long time and there has been no further reaction from you, I will now close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
Hi Sigan,
Cou you please elaborate on what you mean with "load crosspoint", because the matrix class doesn't have such method.
If you want to set crosspoints you can use the following code. Both inputNumber and outputNumber are zero-based.
When you are done setting all crosspoints you must call the following method to send the changes to the element (UI).
An example connector can be found in the following repository on GitHub: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/SLC-C-Example_Matrix.
Hopefully this helps you further.
Thank you Tom for Reply,
As you know there is this an option in DataMiner Cube for saving matrix Crosspoint parameter and you can Load this saved Crosspoint. So what I am talking about when I saved a crosspoint and load this configuration the output is connected to input in matrix component but the there is no an action has been done like sending Connection command to Device, so the OnCrossPointSetFromUI method is not executed as well? Which method should I implement in the Connector to be able to send command to device when I Load Crosspoint in Cube ? Is there something I missed ?

Hi Sigan, you’re right, just tested it myself and the write parameter of the matrix indeed doesn’t seem to be triggered. This looks like a bug. Could you maybe get in touch with your contact in Skyline so that a task can be created in the correct project please?
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If a task has been created as Tom suggested, and no further feedback is needed here, could you select the answer to indicate that the question requires no further answers?