for become a Dataminer devops engineering i need to take a deep dive in things. so need to know about the details about license :
1. license is available or not for testing purpose
2. I want to create a custom protocol for my learning purpose
Hi Chirangee,
1. The DataMiner Community Edition license is the perfect way to get started with DataMiner. This license is valid for a year and is free if managed on your own infrastructure.
2. You can connect your Community Edition license with our MS Visual Studio extension, DIS (DataMiner Integration Studio), which makes it possible to easily create and deploy connectors for/on your system and is available free of charge.

Hi Chirangee, indeed, contacting our Licensing team with the request.lic file in attachment is the next step to take. The team will revert back to you soon.
after install Dataminer when I trying to connect it showing license is invalid where i will get this free license. already mail to skyline with attached request.lic file or need to do something else.