I have a LCA with two tables.
1.) "Pivot Table":
- Created by selecting Parameters / Element / Parameters Table; drag and drop to "parameters" to table on the page.
- Parameters status do no update Automatically.
2.) "Parameter Page" Table:
- Created by selecting Parameters / Element / Parameters Table; drag and drop to "table" to page.
- Parameters status update Automatically.
- Why does the Pivot Table not update automatically, but the "Parameter Page" table does?
- Is this a bug?
- Why can't you assign a trigger to a Pivot Table.

Ideally we would want something that looks like this, yet updates in real time or every X amount of seconds.
I cannot replicate this within GQI but I am no expert, do you think something like this is possible within the GQI?
Second Edit:

For some reason I’m not able to open the screenshot. Would it be possible to add it again inline?

Appearently there was an issue where uploading images wasn’t always working. The issue should have been addressed. Could you reupload the capture one more time, please? Thanks.
Done, no problem! Thank you for the help.

I’ve created a similar table through GQI: https://community.dataminer.services/question/lca-table-parameters-not-updating-automatically/answer/129849/
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