Looking at the documentation DOM status system | DataMiner Docs I tried to configure FlowLevel in status transitions to show transitions in a Stepper component.
In DOM Editor, i choosed the highest priority for flow level = 0 for the main transition of my state diagram.
In my LCA panel, i use a Stepper component, I expected to have
But i have this result.
Can anyone tell me how to configure it for showing the main transition?
Hi Kevin,
The stepper component calculates the happy path based on the transitions & their flow levels, but also based on the state history of the instance. Is the instance in your example in its initial state or did it transition back from error to new? This could explain why you do not see the result you expected.

Hi Kevin,
Can you also check if the ‘new’ state is configured as the initial one on the DOM Definition itself? When there is no state history, it should start from there.

In “dom editor”, if i edit my module then click on “Behavior Definitions…” button, then edit the behavior. The dropdown “Initial Status” selected is “New”.
Hi Wout,
In my example, the instance is in the initial state “new”, i did not do any transition before.