I am running into a problem when my driver goes into "Run validator".
In the artifacts, appears many errors with the name Feature used in 'QAction' XX, with the critical severity tag.
But, the thing is, in Visual Studio there is nothing affecting the validator, because it shows 0 issues.
Also, I had problems with the nuget packages and the newtonsoft library, but I think those issues are fixxed.
Here is one of the artifacts that are being showed by Jenkins:
<ArrayOfanyType xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays">
<anyType xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/SLDisValidator2.Common" i:type="d2p1:ValidationResult">
<d2p1:Description>Feature used in 'QAction' with 'ID' '1'.</d2p1:Description>
Hi Esteban, the validator error you are seeing is probably because you are using NuGet packages in your driver but the MinimumRequiredVersion tag has not been set to at least - 9454. Setting this tag should resolve your issue on Jenkins.
You should also get these validator issues when running locally. When I run the validator on the protocol, it shows these issues. What version of DIS are you using?

HI Pedro,
Yes! that was the issue, I did not have the latest version of DIS. Once I had it, it was a quick and automated Fix.
Thank you!