We are seeing an issue in 9.6.10 where our DVEs lose their view and get put at the bottom of the surveyor tree.
Is this a known issue and is it fixed in DM 10?
Hi Craig,
The DVEs ending up at the bottom of the surveyor is the behavior of when the reference to the view they were assigned and are placed in the Root view.
DVEs when they are created from the parent element will end up in the same view as the parent but can then be moved to another view either manually or via the DVE view feature
Does your DVE connector contain the "View feature" present on the DVE tables?
If it does, you can check if the values available on the table cells are correct and match the names of your surveyor views.
It could have happened that the cell values are incorrect and pointing to a view that does not exist or that the views have been renamed and not updated on the table information.
I should add that this is when the DVEs are under a different view to the parent element