Hi Dojo
I'm wondering if using the SetColumns DIS snippet is still the suggested way to implement a SetColumns action in a connector? Maybe there is already a wrapper available? Using the snippet results in the following line:
protocol.NotifyProtocol((int)SLNetMessages.NotifyType.NT_FILL_ARRAY_WITH_COLUMN, new object[] { iTablePid, iColumnPid, bAllowClearAndLeave }, new object[] { aoKeys, aoColumnValues });
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards
That depends on what the minimum required version is and what the required functionality is: for example if protocol.Clear or protocol.Leave needs to be used.
In DataMiner 10.4.2 this RN supports protocol.FillArrayWithColumn and protocol.QActionTable.SetColumn with protocol.Clear and protocol.Leave.
Do note however that those built in wrappers are still executing NT_FILL_ARRAY_WITH_COLUMN in the background at this moment, so there will be no performance improvement, this will only make the code a bit more readable.

Hi Laurens. Thank you for your answer! It’s clear. Much appreciated!