I'm trying to display list of channels which exist in a index column of a table as a Multiple Checkbox list. But it only shows the first row as checkbox and doesn't display the rest.
I'm setting setvar to CheckBoxTest:[Param:*,3001] and SetVarOptions to Control=MultiCheckBoxVertical but still only value for the first row is visible.
I need to be able to save name of selected channels on one session variable and then pass that to another parameter.
Hi Ladan,
I believe your ID is referring to a column parameter while it should be the table parameter instead. That should solve the problem of only seeing your first row.
You have control over the display value and the set value by using the DisplayColumn and SetColumn.
SetVar MyVariable:[param:*,500]
SetVarOptions control=MultiCheckBoxVertical|DisplayColumn=504|SetColumn=501

I can indeed see that it’s not scrolling and I believe there is no way to make this possible right now. Feel free to create an open item for this on collaboration.
Thank you Sebastiaan. This is working now.
Is there anyway that instead of wrapping the data in columns it shows values with scrollbar? This will allow us to have column size shape which operators can scroll up and down instead of giving them a big page.