Is there any class library in Skyline dataminer to access the cluster name?
I do not recall that information being available in any of our current libraries but feel free to make a feature suggestion here
In the meantime, an option could be to either use the option from Tom's answer or alternatively you can use the following snippet that uses SLNet
var request = new GetInfoMessage(InfoType.DmsConfiguration);
var response = engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(request) as GetDmsConfigurationResponseMessage;
string clusterName = response.ClusterName;
You can use engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage if you are using an automation script or protocol.SLNet.SendSingleResponseMessage if you use a QAction or a corresponding method depending on your source.
Note that SLNet messages are internal calls and we do not recommend using them, as they are not officially supported and we cannot guarantee that they will still work in the future as these are subject to change without notice. We recommend to use instead always the correct UI or automation options provided in DataMiner Automation or through our web API when available.

Hi Samira, in an automation script that information can be retrieved using the following property:
More documentation:
Hi Tom, i am looking to access this from the skyline library rather than automation script. Can you advise?

I don’t think that’s available in the class library. But where exactly do you want to use it? In an automation script you can use the property that I already gave. In a connector you can use the following: protocol.SLNet.RawConnection.ServerDetails.ClusterName.
Using this SLNet message will work, but it requires an additional call to the server while the needed information is already available in memory. In a connector you could use “protocol.SLNet.RawConnection.ServerDetails.ClusterName” and in an automation script “Engine.SLNetRaw.ServerDetail.Clustername”.