For retrieving daily backups from XOS encoder devices I need 260 scheduled tasks for each XOS device.
I made an Excel with all the needed information to make the scheduled task per device.
I was wondering if anybody already automatically made scheduled tasks based on a list from Excel?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards

Also adding, it might be an option to have this completely managed by our IDP suite (Inventory, Discovery and Provisioning), as it is available on the platform and is designed to not only discover and provision the elements in an automated way, but also manage the device backups.
More information on:

Hi Leander, thank you for the comment. Now, it is done via IDP. In the admin page of IDP an extra CI Type is added. In the admin configuration management tab, a backup script is added. So in the configuration tab, backups can be taken based on the selected elements. Now, we make use of daily scheduled tasks per device so indeed there’s probably a better way to do this. Do you know how you can do a daily backup for all the devices of a certain CI type in IDP?

Hey Justien, I believe that is done by adding a process to IDP, and referencing the backup activity.
Thank you all for the help, it indeed seems to work fine in the following way of using one scheduled task that calls an automation script that iterates across all the devices of a CI Type that then again calls the subscript that generates the actual backups. We are going to use two scheduled tasks depending on the view because the devices are running on two different DMAs, but compared to 260 tasks in the beginning, this seems acceptable to me. 😉