I wanted to create a dashboard, but when I try to search for some of the needed elements, these elements don't appear, like they are not present in the system.
The elements that seem not be appearing are on the top letters of the alphabet so I wonder if 10.000 element top is restricting the elements that appear on my side and that I can choose to appear as data available for the dashboard...
Is that a limitation? If we have more then that 10k number of elements, we can't retrieve some of them to put them on our dashboards?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
This is still a limitation, the Dashboards app shows indeed only the first 10000 elements (sorted on name). I created a software issue task for this so that this can be fixed (task ID = 150290). Thank you for reporting this.
Apart of renaming the elements to make them appear in the first 10000, there’s no other workaround available unfortunately. If this is critical, then I think it will be best to contact your TAM so that we can deliver a fix as soon as possible.
Thank you for the suggestion.
I sent email to the team.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Thank you.
Since this is kind of critical for us in terms of creating dashboards for our clients, have you any workaround that we can use in the meanwhile?
Best regards
Bruno Sousa