We're saving Full daily backups in a single DMA setup (1 Cassandra + 1 Elasticsearch nodes).
I believe the Cassandra data is stored in the DataMinerBackup.dmbackup file, inside a file with an sql extension.
Is a similar thing being done for the Elasticsearch data?
Is the DataMinerBackup.dmbackup file enough to restore a Cassandra + Elastic system, should it be necessary?
Hi Tiago,
As far as I'm aware, that's not the case.
The data for the indexing engine is backed up separately in the folder defined on the backup page.

Thanks for the answer, Ive!
To add to the above:
From DataMiner 10.0.0 [CU15]/10.1.0 [CU3]/DataMiner 10.1.6 onwards, the Indexing database is not included in a DataMiner restore.
To restore it, you should instead use the Standalone Elastic Backup tool.