While I was searching some orchestrator online. I saw the DataMiner at link:
What is this all about? Is this product from dataminer? How it differentiates than the standard dataminer we know?
Sony Leo is the result of a collaboration from Skyline with Sony Imaging Products and Solutions (SIPS). LEO is an off-the-shelf monitoring & orchestrator platform, built on DataMiner technology and applicable to SONY and optional third-party equipment in a studio environment.
It is a solution to manage IP-based productions more efficiently, increase performance and utilization of resources, reduce system downtime and improve productivity in content production.
More info can be found in the following press release: https://skyline.be/news/20190408-dataminer-technology-powers-sony%E2%80%99s-live-element-orchestrator

Thanks Sammy for quick response.