In the Dashboards module, can you use a protocol that is not in use for filtering data?
The protocol is installed on the DMA.
I want to put a filter on a dropdown of all elements to only show the elements running that specific protocol. The value chosen in the dropdown determines of of which element the data is shown. The system is rather dynamic, elements are often deleted/created. So it is possible, like now, that there are no elements running the protocol and the dropdown doesn't have any values.

I have updated the question.
Hi Stijn,
We indeed only show the names (and versions) of protocols that are effectively used in the DMS. This is done to avoid having too many (unused) items in the list, so the user can focus on protocols that matter.
Potentially we could make it available to show all protocols (and versions), but this would require a software change. Feel free to create a new feature suggestion or task for this.
As a side note, it will be possible in the future to have the results of a GQI query in a drop down. With this you could feed elements to your state component as well.
Thanks for your reply!
Can you elaborate a bit more on the use case? Where do you want to use this protocol filter?