There are other tools that enable a user to edit traditional Visio drawings; however, is it possible to edit Visio drawings used as visual overviews in DataMiner, for example using the Skyline stencils and Advanced Editing options, with these other tools?
Thank you for your help.
No, we currently only have support for Microsoft Visio.
Please see the following question for a detailed explanation: https://community.dataminer.services/question/are-there-plans-to-edit-visio-drawings-without-visio-application-installed/?hilite=%27edit%27%2C%27visio%27
Note that it is possible to upload existing Visual Overviews (which are regular Visio files that can include stencils) to other tools and manipulate them there. However, there is no integration for this in the DataMiner software.
The 'Advanced Editing' panel is specifically designed for Microsoft Visio. This panel is constructed in DataMiner Cube and is pushed to the Visio application using COM.

Thank you Sebastiaan, cheers!