Hi Dojo Community,
I updated with Cube the default value for real-time trending from 1 week to 2 weeks.
I did it few weeks ago but the value after 1 week in my graphs are still 5-Minute records.
I checked the DBMAINTENANCEDMS.xml file and the configuration is correct.
Do I have to restart the DMS to apply this value even if it's updated via Cube?
Wouter Bogaert [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Answered question 16th May 2023
Hi Yvan, my understanding is that a restart of the DMA is needed only when you make the change directly to the xml file. Doing it on cube should not require any restarts.
Arunkrishna Shreeder [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Answered question 16th May 2023