Hi all,
I have recently worked with InterApp calls between LCA and DMA and encountered an issue with encoding of vertical bar ('|') symbol. DMA showed '_7C' instead of initially sent '|'. This can happen due to encoding, as the vertical bar symbol |
is often translated to _7C in URLs. Do you know if there are any workarounds for this specific symbol or if this is already known issue that will be solved in a near future?

Hi Sebastiaan. Thanks for the comment. It is the VB Probe Series ConnectorAPI NuGet that is used by LCA to create channel entries in the dma VB Probe Series element channels table. Based on your explanation, I just tested manual table entries and realized that this is not the InterApp issue, as the device saves mentioned table entries to the xml file, it is the case that encoding and decoding the specific symbol is not well managed, either by the protocol or the VB Probe device.

As you mentioned, this appears to be unrelated to the data source or LCA. I tested the symbol on a virtual table, and it seems to handle the pipe symbol correctly. The issue likely lies with either the protocol or the device itself. You might want to inspect the traffic sent to the device to determine how it's being transmitted.
Encoding issue is not related to interaction via InterApp calls, but the protocol itself, and the fact that in the background, data from protocol tables is kept in xml file. As the issue is addressed, I can now look for the way to encode/decode special characters, so the protocol shows them correctly and they don't confuse any end-users.
Hi Alija, can you explain in more detail where the InterApp calls are used? A LCA runs in the browser on the client, therefore all communication goes through the web API.