I am wondering how we can integrate DataMiner with PowerBI ? Does anybody have any experience with it ? What are the options ?
Hi David,
There are various options, but one way that is working fine with me is User-Defined APIs | DataMiner Docs. You have the freedom of how to present the data and it is secure because of the API token. When your agent is connected to dataminer.services, you can make us of the API in PowerBI.
There are various options, as you could make data available in a lot of different ways, but using the User-Defined API was for me the most convenient option to get going quickly.
As your asking for multiple options, another way could be with the Data Aggregator | DataMiner Docs. You can export your data either through CSVs or making it available for streaming data through a Websocket. I have not tried this option though.
Kind Regards,
Thanks Jarno, I didn't know about the Data Aggregator option yet. Seems like a valid approach. For the user-defined APIs I have some doubt that a REST API is the best way to feed in bulk data for dashboarding purposes ?