Is there any way I can install a .dmapp file (containing an automation script) without manual intervention, by running some custom script triggering some API/dlls for example?
Hi Razvan,
Potentially this could help
See https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/Skyline.DataMiner.CICD.Tools.DataMinerDeploy/releases/tag/1.0.4 for the latest release
To build packages I think you can use as well https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/Skyline.DataMiner.CICD.Packages

Yes, I used the deploy tool successfully in the end. In my case I had some connectivity issues to handle (more specifically proxy).
Thank you so much for your advice, really appreciate it!
This DataMinerDeploy tool really looks promising. At a first glance I get some errors, but I need to test more.
For building packages I’m already using that tool, and it works very well, thank you for that!