Hello guys! In the Dataminer Ticketing system, we had a feature where we could right click into an alarm and create a new ticket from alarm console. Trying the new Incident Manager APP, by right clicking, I can create an incident into alarm console (an alarm group, in fact) but it does not create an incident into the APP and even if I create a manual incident, still I cannot correlate with an alarm or the incident created into the alarm console. Is there a way to automatically create an incident into the app from alarm console, like I used to do into the ticketing app? As ticketing seems to be part of the core Dataminer, for the incident manager, is it possible to create an incident via automation script? Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, I do not think you can currently easily link an alarm in the alarm console to an incident in the Incident Manager app beyond manually filling in the alarm ID when creating an incident in the app. You can however create incidents through an API. Some more information can be found in the readme document that you can find under 'Documents' > 'DataMiner Sample Apps' > 'Incident Manager' > 'API'.
The option to add create an 'incident' in the alarm console is related to the 'Incident Tracking' feature (see here for more information). This type of incident is indeed also known as an alarm group, and allows you to group multiple alarms together in the alarm console. However, it does not necessarily have something to do with an incident in the Incident Management app (even though it was the idea to link the two together at some point).

I noticed in the old Ticketing App it is possible to right click an alarm in Cube and execute an automation that creates the Ticket in the APP. The old ticketing app is actually good but unfortunately cannot export Ticketing information to a Report/Dash or even a CSV. The suggestion here is for the Incident Manager APP Dev Team to implement the right-click action on the cube alarms for the new Incident Manager LCA and confirm that the new Incident Manager can actually export historical Ticketing Data to a CSV.