I am wanting to add a trending graph to a visio drawing. The only issue is when I set up trending on the parameter in a table, it sets up individual trending graphs for every single item. Is it possible to make dataminer do an overall trending for the parameter Network Delay shown in the screenshot?
Hey Ben, that is correct. Instead of an individual trending graph for every single file transfer, I want to see an overall trending total if possible.
Just one more follow-up question: would you want to alarm also on that aggregate value or just be able to see the graph over time of the aggregate value?
Alarming would be a great option as operations may want it but not an absolute requirement.
Hi David
I'm not too experienced hands on, but let me see if we can point you already into the direction of some options, on the top of my head:
Unfortunately it is not that obvious at this stage.
- If alarming would be required, the best option would be to alter the driver to include a metric that holds the aggregate of all those values. But this is probably not something you would easily do yourself.
- If you want to view it, the standard trend graphs don't support that yet, but there is an option if you add a chart in the Visual Overview graphics of your element. You would edit your Visual Overview of that element, draw a rectangle in Visio that needs to hold the graphical chart, and you would use the following Parameter Chart capability Creating a parameter chart | DataMiner Docs (it includes an example for the CPU load of all processes in a table, which is similar to your case). And you would go for the STACKEDAREACHART.
I believe that these are currently the only ways to get something right now, with nbr 2 being the quickest option for you. This is not an uncommon case, and if I'm not mistaken this is high on the list of the team working on the dashboards. So a more convenient option may come up soon (unless I missed something myself and other people will further consult).
Thank you for this information, it is very helpful. I figured it would require a change to the driver and after speaking with my manager that will be the best option as alarming is required. I will speak with our rep on getting some assistance with this. Thank you so much!
Hi David, do you mean that you would like to see the trending of the aggregate value of all the individual metrics?