we have new users which are only using HTML5. How can they change their password?
Hi Stefan,
as a workaround you can do it via Webservices:
PW Change of local user via WebGUI - DataMiner Dojo
Best regards,

Hi Stefan,
I guess you are using local users? In order to change the password of this type of users, you indeed still need Cube at this moment. But I would actually recommend using an external identity provider like Azure AD (Entra ID), OKTA or whichever identity provider you use. This modern way of authentication is now recommended because this offers features like MFA and better protection and detection overall. Or you could also still integrate with a local AD.
Using centrally managed accounts offer a lot of benefits and are therefore now the recommended way of working.
If it's not possible to use an external identity provider, then I suggest creating feature suggestion over here: DataMiner Feature Suggestions - DataMiner Dojo
Thanks Felix!